About Rijn

Met veel plezier heb ik dan ook een groot deel van m’n werkende leven psychologisch onderzoek mogen doen. Eerst vanuit de wetenschap, toen binnen de overheid en daarna in de commerciële wereld van het marktonderzoek. Tegenwoordig geef ik presentaties, workshops, consultancy en trainingen. Daarnaast ben ik gastdocent aan de Polytechnical University in Hong Kong, waar ik lesgeef in “Rational & Emotional Decision Making”.

Time Poverty: How the Constant Race Against the Clock Affects Our Well-being

In this blog, I share insights from the Dutch book Tijd tekort/tijd genoeg by Margriet Sitskoorn, a neuropsychologist and professor of Clinical Neuropsychology, which explores the concept of time perception. The book shows that time poverty, the feeling that you're always short on time, has profound effects on our well-being. - Time poverty affects everything, from your health to your [...]

2024-10-01T12:59:39+00:001 Oct 2024|Categories: Uncategorized|

I have a dream: Enthusiasm & positive communication

You can’t talk about positive communication without talking about enthusiasm. In fact, in many cases, this emotion seems to be the working component of positive communication. When communication is accompanied by genuine enthusiasm, it triggers action that inspires others. In this article, we discuss the role of enthusiasm in positive communication from a scientific perspective and from real-world experiences. [...]

2022-10-12T08:07:16+00:0019 Sep 2022|Categories: Uncategorized|

Enthusiasm and passion; The link between two commonly used but barely unravelled concepts

Enthusiasm and passion The link between two commonly used but barely unravelled concepts Enthusiasm and passion are words that are often used, both in daily life and in a professional environment. For example, companies look for enthusiastic employees with a passion for their field. And yet scientific research into enthusiasm and passion is limited. This article takes a closer look [...]

2022-09-19T07:14:29+00:0015 Apr 2021|Categories: Uncategorized|

The psychological appeal of apps like Clubhouse

Clubhouse The Clubhouse app is rapidly gaining popularity. Twitter, Facebook, Spotify and Linkedin are all working on a ClubHouse-like platform. But what makes these kind of audio apps so attractive? From my background as a social psychologist and scientific researcher into the dynamics of enthusiasm, I describe 10 factors that make Clubhouse so appealing from a psychological perspective. The [...]

2021-04-02T14:32:41+00:001 Apr 2021|Categories: Uncategorized|

Embrace fear, but beware of doom-mongering.

How to deal with fear in this corona crisis? The human brain is programmed to detect danger. In prehistoric times, it was vitally important to notice a dangerous animal or a hostile human on time and to react quickly to a potentially dangerous situation. Although we live in a much safer environment these days, our brain’s software hasn’t changed much. [...]

2020-11-14T15:37:21+00:003 Apr 2020|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , , |

Organisational Storytelling: Sailing the waves of enthusiasm

Telling stories is a unique human trait. No other species is able to use language in such a refined form. Stories can have a huge impact, but this can only be achieved if enough people collectively believe in them. This also applies to stories about companies or organisations. Every day new companies are created and others go bankrupt. Through mergers, [...]

2020-11-14T15:37:21+00:0017 Oct 2018|Categories: Uncategorized|

Do we remain the boss or become slaves to technology?

Technological developments have always had a drastic impact on human life. Because of weapons and tools, homo sapiens became the dominant species on earth. Different innovations have made life increasingly pleasant over the course of time – a life without a toilet, fridge or telephone is almost unimaginable now. However, the pace of technological development is going so fast that [...]

An Obsession with Negativity

We live in the safest and most prosperous world in human history. The statistics show that in almost all areas the world is improving. We live longer and there is less war and violence. The perception of most people, however, is different. Negativity is everywhere; the media mainly bring bad news and journalism has become more negative and dramatic over [...]

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